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In the bank by the breath, to teach you some moves (+)...

ghycjtqx 发表于 2012-6-24 07:02:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
one  ,change  brother married  asked me to go  for  5020 rmbsend  red  package  .take  the  1kto go to the bank to exchange  ,sb  attitude extremely  bad  to say   no  ,can  change you  attitude really  bad  .
i am very  ferocious  and say   you can say that again  guy  cattle  .   not  i said  you  =  sb said    .i got  id card says  account  ,save  1k.ended  ,i said  about  20connected with the  mentioned two times  20.
sb said  ,you  mean?    cn  make  money,  make  50 timesto  sell  not  three  .sb  crestfallen  changed  50scrapingin the new  volume of 20 yuan  white  me,  bitch!  !!two  ,why is  the  just  to go to the hospital  next to the  base  line  to withdraw money,  the  machine  people  ,everyone  in the queue  and the sun.
  but the strange thing is  inside the  business hall  is only one  customer  ,so i went  to a window  ,on  the  long  pretending to be cool  staff  said  800block.the man  should have  said  outside the  machine  ,i asked him why he  can  choose on the counter  ?he said  below 5000  tofetch money machine   paul smith chaussures,that  is  in order to save time  ,improve efficiency  ,shunt  ,i was  stupid  ,shunt  ?i asked him  ,now out of  atm  queuing  old  long  ,there is a  person all have no,  which saves  what  efficiency  ?which  documents  5000 followingnot  at the counter  ?other  banks have   chaussure burberry pas cher!the  rats  that  are base  line of the file  ,i said  to me  !he  does not get out  ,but never  give  .
i looked outside  waiting in the  sun  ,then  have a look  inside and see the  newspaper  for blowing air  bitch  ,gas does not make one part sweat ralph lauren,  i decided i  adjusted the  he  .i  speak  ,it would  take 5000  !when he  had finished,  the  5000to me,i took one hundred  ,saving  100!the machine  can  save money,  so he  do  .
he  finished  the 100  block,i  took the 100 pieces of   polo ralph lauren pas cher,say  100!that  rats  says you can  once  complete  ?i said that i  give  my own  hair  file provides  ,once only  deposit 100  ,how  ,no  ?i was  a  100,a  100slowlyaround him  many supporters  ,everybody said that  good job!  next to  someone immediately  and i like  doing it together  .
at last they  lead  out  ,very rampant  said: you  disturb the  financial order  ,my  alarm  .i  said i  was  saving money  ah  ,the bank  is not  a place to keep your money  ?you have  documented  a  cannot be saved  one hundred  ?show me  !next to  a lot of people support  me,  loudly  accusing them of  .
finally  the  leader says  sorry  ,we  will  improve the working method  .give us  convenient  ,wait wait wait  ...  i  walked away,  and said to him  ,now i know why  you  are construction bank  ,because you  !three  ,china merchants bank  2 days beforei went to  china merchants bank  counterfeit  money  (  to  take  )  ,the results point to  copy  found  fake  100 yuan,because of their own  study  of accounting major  companies with  previous  cases  (  to draw from the bank  of good money to  pay  ,it was found to have a  false  copy  )  ,so  their  special attention  .
later,  i  on  the counter lady  said: miss  ,you  the money  problems  .lady  :what  i said  :false  miss:  impossible  ,you  leave  the counter  .i was  on fire  :your eyes  have a problem ah  ?which you have eyes to  watch me go  over the counter  ?so  she and i  had  had an argument  ,attitudes  can be  bad  ,if i  deliberately  change your money  like,  on  my  sharp  ~ i said  :your  inspection copy machine  is  a problem ah?  fake  copy of  the past are not  alarm  ?well,  our  alarm processing  ~  not  found  counterfeit  110~!the  bank  has been  noisy  raise a babel of criticism of  ~  bank  out of the ~  things  haven  ask  ~ first  time  slipped me  a word  :you leave  the counter  ?leave  the counter  can  this false  copy  is that we  made  !i am  !i was  funny  :he is  out to  solve the problem?  2  wordsput the blame on the  clean  and  ~  i said  :i have  not left the  counter  ,i say  not  ,so we  adjusted  video monitor  out  look,  or i will  alarm processing  ,you  look at how to do it  ~ the time  bank  began to have some  soft  down  ,attitude  also  improved a lot  ,also  with a smile  said to me:  then  what do you want  a solution  ?you  make a  plan  .
i was also a  gas  a little dizzy  drop  ,without thinking  :1penalty 10!unthinkingly  ~  bank:  1 /10,less likely   sac abercrombie,or such bar  ,make a fold  ?i wanted to  forget  ~  results  finally  took  the money  to the  bankers and  the  counter lady  says  :you should  remember this face  ,don  play anything  figure  (  many banks  have  illegal operations  ,often  counterfeit money  out  ,mostly  for  digital  large  accounts  are not easy to  find  .
finally  ,grinning  greeted me  out the door  ~  four  ,agricultural bank  from  a few months ago,  hohhot  bank  a  vip window  ,only for  5w yuanbusiness  .once i  wanted to  take 1w  money,  small  window  line  long  ,vip window  is empty  ,i will go to the  vip window  office  ,staff asked  me  how  ,i  said to  1w,she  said  ,following the 5w  business  to  small  window queueing  .
then i said  ,i  take 6w   ed hardy clothing,she said  ,6w,gave me  6w cash,get me a  w  ,the remaining  5wplug  back,  say  :i deposit  5w. staffdirectly  .five  ,all  mention now  and again in  an industrial bank  of party a  ,a 140w  appropriations  to  zhang  ,i go to the  bank  to do  money  .
because there is no  bank card  ,i was going to  do a  card  the money to  survive  ,the  staff  said that  ,copy of  id  card  ,they  copy machine is broken  ,i myself  photocopying  .i  rage  ,said  ,well,  not saved,  140w allmention now  !tonight  you report  plan  ,tomorrow i  will take  !bank  business department director  face was  changed  ,then  ,a little girl  with a smile  said  :your  identity card  used  ,i send for a  copy  ,please wait  for a while  .
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