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Every Heart(全心全意) 英文 中文版

夜雨铃 发表于 2010-7-1 21:15:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 夜雨铃 于 7-2-2010 09:50 编辑

Every Heart(English Version)
Tell me babe
how many do I shed my tears
Every Heart
Every Heart is not a gentle yet
Shall I do
I can never say my loneliness
Every Heart
doesn't know so what to say oh what to do
(I) was afraid of darkness
cause I felt that I was left alone
So I prayed for help to (the) distant million stars
Round & Round the planets revolve round the sun
And we always seek after love and peace forever more
Growing growing woe baby we can work it out
Look up at the sky
Every Heart is shining all today
Show me now
What kind of smile do I come across
Every Heart
Every Heart can take a step towards the dreams
All of us what to take a lasting happiness
Whenever you feel sad
I wanna hold you & give you a sound sleep
Someday Every Hearts gonna free and easy
We have peace of mind
Someday all the people find the way to love
Goes & Goes the time goes on we are not alone
We live on together
and we will find some precious things
Sometime we will smile sometime we will cry somehow
Don't forget believing yourself
Tomorrow's never die
There is the warm heart places on my mind
In my earlist day's there and it's so sweet
There are many stars they have talk with me so kind
They say yes always time's a friend of mine so shine
Round & Round the planets revolve round the sun
And we always seek after love and peace forever more
Growing growing woe baby we can work it out
Look up at the sky Every Heart is shining all today
Goes & Goes the time goes on we are not alone
We live on together
and we will find some precious things
Sometime we will smile sometime we will cry somehow
Don't forget believing yourself
Tomorrow's never die

一声弹 指浑无语 独自立瑶阶
声声催 忆当初辉 新月几疏星
露轩影 惆怅离情 落月成孤倚
曲阑处 同倚斜阳 一宵冷雨葬名花
是梦久应醒矣 倚柳题笺 轻尘在玉琴
岁晚忆曾游处 丝雨如尘云
风也萧萧 雨也萧萧 泪与灯花落
萧萧几叶 风兼雨 为伊判作梦中人
朝泪如潮 暗滴花梢 踏遍清秋路
帘影谁摇 分付秋潮 幽窗冷雨一灯孤
风丝袅 水浸碧天清晓 红阑绕
心灰尽 瞥遇回廊 惆怅彩云飞
泛叶舟 心愿难酬 落日和烟雨
星影坠 何处几叶萧萧雨 湿尽檐花
如梦前朝何处 夕霜风紧 天水接冥蒙
霜冷离鸿疏影 落日万山寒
飞絮何处 飘天涯 层冰积雪摧
下弦乌啼欲晓月 一行白雁遥天暮
清辉如雪 愁难睡 青冢黄昏路
晓星欲散 何时旦 西南月落城乌起
乱山千叠横江 一抹晚烟荒戍垒
消磨绝塞风烟 海色残阳影断芳菲
晓风残月淡 泣尽风檐夜雨铃
灯欲落 谁家玉笛韵偏幽 梦遥
风也萧萧 雨也萧萧 泪与灯花落
萧萧几叶 风兼雨 为伊判作梦中人
朝泪如潮 暗滴花梢 踏遍清秋路
帘影谁摇 分付秋潮 幽窗冷雨一灯孤
飞絮何处 飘天涯 层冰积雪摧
下弦乌啼欲晓月 一行白雁遥天暮
清辉如雪 愁难睡 青冢黄昏路
晓星欲散 何时旦 西南月落城乌起
Baulder 发表于 2010-7-1 22:43:44 | 显示全部楼层
同学,这不是片尾曲4 Every Heart(全心全意)的英文版么?
 楼主| 夜雨铃 发表于 2010-7-2 09:45:30 | 显示全部楼层
★犬夜叉★ 发表于 2010-7-2 12:27:56 | 显示全部楼层
冰雪女皇 发表于 2010-7-2 13:01:43 | 显示全部楼层
★犬夜叉★ 发表于 2010-7-2 19:11:28 | 显示全部楼层
屰月 发表于 2010-7-2 21:47:52 | 显示全部楼层
新月 发表于 2010-7-3 08:45:54 | 显示全部楼层
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